Woodridge – Queensland 2024

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  1. Will be Labor’s safest seat in Queensland after the election. Will be interesting to see if Cameron contests the leadership against Shannon or runs on a unity ticket with her and effectively remains deputy.

  2. @PRP leadership depends on factions and thats usually the left. and i think the right will get decimated due to loss of regional and non brisbane seats

    @A A also depdns on who the unions back

  3. @John but parts of Brisbane which are working-class but more Old Labor than New Labor. I coined these terms just then to refer to the two different types of Labor voters. New Labor are progressive, often younger voters in the city who may be university-educated and rich but come from working-class backgrounds, and typically New Labor (or Woke Labor) support Green-lite policies like a carbon tax, affirmative action, a constitutionally-enshrined Voice to Parliament, etc. Old Labor voters on the other hand are often more centrist and working-class and who don’t call themselves progressive; indeed, many would be No voters and many would be ethnic which splits them on whether or not Palestine should be recognised at the current point in time (this doesn’t depend on nationality but rather on religion as a Lebanese Catholic would be more pro-Israel than a Lebanese Muslim who would be typically pro-Palestine at least to some extent).

    An example of an Old Labor seat in Brisbane would be Inala on the state level or Oxley on the federal level while an example of a New Labor seat in Brisbane would be Miller on the state level or Moreton on the federal level.

  4. I agree, the left has become too woke but I don’t want Sky News to be the ones to talk about it because it makes the anti-woke argument look bad.

    Cameron Dick isn’t woke but the whole party membership is the issue and they will force him to be woke.

  5. Wilson, I believe woke is just a catch term used as an insult to describe voters (mostly young, university age) who support social justice issues. I do agree with NP and others’ views that openly expressing these views can be problematic as it comes into conflict with older voters who don’t really care much about these issues (instead wanting to focus on bread-and-butter aspects like cost-of-living and crime prevention).

    I believe Labor need to tread a fine line; in that they should still remain supportive of social justice views but also not campaign openly about it.

  6. @Wilson woke is basically far-left, really progressive people. The Greens essentially. Some say it’s a right-wing buzzword but I’ve heard left-leaning, right-leaning and centrist voters use the term to describe the radical progressive left. However, as @Daniel T and @Yoh An pointed out, some right-wing populists will use it for anyone who isn’t as conservative as them.

    @Yoh An Old Labor isn’t necessarily only old people. Again, they are indeed older on average but some many people would be aligned with Old Labor just like how some young people are aligned with the Coalition. New Labor is basically just the Green-lite version of Labor. My terminology isn’t necessarily based on factionalism since I’m using it to refer to the two different types of Labor voters.

  7. An example of a divided New/Old Labor electorate would be the federal seat of Newcastle where most of the Old Labor voters in Newcastle live in suburbs like Jesmond, Lambton and Wallsend while most of the New Labor voters in Newcastle live in suburbs like Mayfield or the Newcastle CBD. You can see that the New Labor suburbs voted Yes and the Old Labor suburbs voted No even though they’re both areas where Labor consistently wins over 70% of the TPP vote (with the two obvious differences being the inner-outer suburban divide and the fact that the New Labor suburbs are in the inner-city and are suburbs where the Greens finish second or even (in the case of one CBD booth) first).

  8. not sure whether woodridge is more woke labor or sleepy labor. either way i doubt it’ll be a very interesting seat on election night

  9. Woodridge is definitely old Labor. Very much like some western sydney seats – working class and multicultural.

  10. @Nether Portal there are many areas in QLD that are morphing from old Labor to new Labor with gentrification and rising house prices. Mitchelton, Keperra, Stafford Heights, Mount Gravatt, Coopers Plains and Acacia Ridge come to mind.

  11. Nether Portal, I don’t think woke really means anything coherent at all. I agree with Yoh An that it’s just a catch-all insult.

    Yoh An, what puzzles me is that for many, it’s not just that they don’t care about those issues, but they express outright vitriol towards anyone bringing the issues up (and some of them aren’t old either, I’ve encountered several young fogies as well as old fogies). There are issues that I don’t really care about, like the rights of military veterans, but I don’t get annoyed or resentful when a discussion is had about them, I just stop listening, and then start listening again when the topic has moved on. I simply don’t get why conflict has to be aroused over it.

  12. The word “Woke” is indeed subjective and means different things to different people. While the term maybe new in the past it was described as PC. Back in the Howard era nativity scenes, saying Merry Christmas etc was discussed. I have heard some in the right wing media describe the university pro-palestine protest as Woke. Some people i have spoken including people who are centrist/middle class have described Adam Bandt’s decision to remove to Australian flag as a woke stunt or local council cancelling Australia Day as woke.


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