Queensland 2024

Welcome to the Tally Room’s guide to the 2024 Queensland state election. This guide includes comprehensive coverage of each seat’s history, geography, political situation and results of the 2020 election, as well as maps and tables showing those results.

This entire guide is now unlocked for everyone to access.

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Table of contents:

  1. Legislative Assembly seat profiles
  2. Contact

Legislative Assembly seat profiles

Seat profiles have been produced for all 93 Legislative Assembly electoral districts. You can use the following navigation to click through to each seat’s profile.


If you have a correction or an update for a single electorate page, feel free to post a comment. You can also send an email by using this form.

If you’d like me to include a candidate name or website link in my election guide, please check out my candidate information policy.

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    1. Does anyone know when the rolls close for the Queensland election? I can not seem to locate the date on the Queensland Electoral Commission website


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