Draft boundaries released for NT redistribution


Amongst many other redistributions, the Northern Territory is redrawing the boundaries of the 25 electorates for the territory’s Legislative Assembly.

The redistribution map was released yesterday. I’m working on my map of the new electorates, and should have it finished by Monday.

In short, the town of Alice Springs has lost one of its three seats to the Darwin area, with a new seat created in the Palmerston area on the fringe of Darwin.

Antony Green has produced a good summary of the boundary change proposal.

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  1. Not on NT but just to note a rare poll on the ACThttp://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/opposition-to-light-rail-in-canberra-at-46-per-cent-unions-poll-20150618-ghqwdd.html
    the Reachtel May 28 automated poll of 1446 territory residents commissioned by peak body Unions ACT asked respondents if they supported or opposed a light rail system.

    The poll – with a margin of error of 2.5 per cent – found 38.8 per cent supported light rail, 46.3 per cent were opposed and 14.9 per cent were undecided.

    Asked if an ACT election were held today which party would receive their first preference vote, 37.4 per cent of respondents said Labor and 32.2 per cent said the Liberals.

    The Greens attracted 14.9 per cent support in the poll, with other parties or independents attracting 5.7 per cent and 9.8 per cent remaining undecided.

    At the 2012 ACT election, Labor won eight seats with 38.88 per cent of the first-preference vote. The Liberals won eight seats with 38.90 per cent and the Greens won one seat with 10.7 per cent.

    On first glance while the ALP/Greens government is behind on a major election issue – there seems to have been a swing to him since the last election – I suspect the Federal coalition government is a large part of that and a real problem for the local Liberal party.

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