Tasmanian Legislative Council live

9:31 - I'm going to wrap up my coverage of this race here. At the moment it looks likely that the result will see Labor and Liberal retaining the one seat they had going in, and the Greens winning a seat previously held by the...

The role of parties in Tasmania’s upper house

Tasmania's upper house stands out amongst Australia's parliamentary chambers with the most unusual constitutional structure. It has single-member electorates - common for lower houses, but unique for a house of review - and those electorates are never all elected at the same time. Instead,...

Tasmania 2024 – election-day turnout continues downward trend

I've got yet another chapter in the long story of Australians' changing habits in voting. With the final results of the Tasmanian state election, we can look at the Tasmanian trend. The last Tasmanian state election was held in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Mapping intra-party booth results – Tasmania 2024

Prior to the Tasmanian election I produced a blog post mapping out the relative strength of candidates within the same party ticket in some electorates at the 2021 election. The maps showed which of a party's candidates topped the vote for that party in...

The decline of the star candidate in Tasmania

One feature of the recent Tasmanian state election result was a surprisingly small number of candidates reaching a quota on primary votes, despite the quota being lower than any election in the last quarter century. Just four candidates reached a quota: the leaders of the...

Informal rates up in Tasmania with bigger parliament

It's no surprise that the informal rate increased at the recent Tasmanian state election, but I wanted to explore how high the rate went, and what might explain it. Tasmania has a rule that voters must number as many boxes as there are seats to...

Stop holding state by-elections alongside council elections!

This is a message for the state of Queensland, who've now done this at the last two rounds of council elections in 2020 and 2024. For each council election, two state by-elections were held at the same time: for Bundamba and Currumbin in 2020, and...

The mismatch in Brisbane’s booth results

When I was analysing the 2020 Brisbane City election results at the start of the year, I noticed an inconsistency. I've now identified that the same issue is true of the 2024 results, and I wanted to clarify what is going on. This issue only...

BCC – postal voting down, but pre-poll voting holds its own

Now that we have the final results for the Brisbane City Council election, we can assess how people chose to cast their votes, and how that fits into the historical trend. A slow decline in election-day voting accelerated dramatically in 2020, with the election held...

Cook by-election live

9:06 - I'm going to wrap up here. This was a very comfortable Liberal victory, with a primary vote currently sitting on 62.7%. 8:28 - They have finished counting the primary votes for all election-day and pre-poll booths, and the Liberal Party is on 62.6%...