ACT Election: the aftermath
Ben Raue -
So here's where we are the day after the election.
Labor suffered a 9.3% swing against them, while the Liberals suffered a 3.7% swing and the Greens polled 15.8%, a 6.6% swing.
In Brindabella, Labor lost one of its three seats, resulting in two Labor, two...
Liveblogging in the Bush Capital
8:44pm - No great news. Appears fairly certain the breakdown will be 7-7-3. There might be some interesting races within each party for seats, but I don't expect any more results tonight.
7:52pm - In other news, Greens have gained votes in all four NSW...
Ginninderra stories
So I just got back to my house in Hackett in the Canberra inner north.
I spent the day travelling around the Ginninderra electorate visiting polling booth workers campaigning for Meredith Hunter, Greens candidate for Ginninderra.
First of all, the polls today continue the strong performance...
NSW Super Saturday: last minute coverage
The best coverage is being provided by Antony Green.
This is the problem with having so many elections in short order. It's election morning and only now am I getting around to covering what will finally bury the legacy of the Iemma years in NSW.
ACT 2008: Ginninderra and Brindabella
More election-eve coverage from Poll Bludger and Decomposing Trees.
Voters will go to the polls on Saturday in the Australian Capital Territory to elect their Legislative Assembly. I've already covered the race in Molonglo. Unfortunately due to the Canadian election I haven't had time to...
Oh, Canada…
This should be about it for the Canadian election.
Ontario saw the Liberals lose a number of seats, mainly to the Conservatives with the NDP making gains. The NDP lost one seat in Ontario to the Liberals while gaining five seats in Northern Ontario and...
Canada 2008: results, take two
So let's start with the obvious.
Stephen Harper's government was re-elected as another minority government. Harper gained nineteen seats on his 2006 performance, winning 143 seats, 12 short of a majority. Stephane Dion's Liberal Party lost 27 seats, falling to 76, less than a quarter...
Canada 2008: results
Polls close in Newfoundland and Labrador at 10am AEDT. The last polls in British Columbia and Yukon close at midday. Even though there is 4 1/2 hours gap between the opposite ends of Canada, there are staggered voting times which narrows the gap between...
Canada 2008: election eve
Canadians will begin voting in a few hours in their third general election in less than five years, which looks likely to result in yet another minority government.
The campaign has been split into two parts. The first part saw the Conservatives performing strongly, looking...