Shoalhaven council election, 2024

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  1. Can’t imagine the Greens Mayor Amanda Findley getting re-elected after the 44% rate rise on the table. Her election was only ever was possible due to the conservative clash of personalities from former Gilmore MP Jo Gash and long term Cr Greg Watson. Jo Gash is now out of the picture, you also have to wonder if Cr Watson will go again given it is now his 50th consecutive year on Council.

    Liberal/Independent Cr Paul Ell is probably the best placed to win should he contest the mayoralty in 2024. Has gained a lot of traction in his first term on Council, particularly as the Deputy Mayor.

  2. Agreed Mr Crown. He’s definitely the best placed local conservative to take the mayoralty. However given his profile in the community he would be well served in contesting Gilmore. I think he’d have the ability to take the seat off Labor. Particularly since he is not controversial and it is without any baggage, it allows for the liberals to get a big swing. I’ve actually had the pleasure of meeting him a few times both in professional and community settings, and he’s been very impressive. Not to mention a constant presence in local community pages.

  3. So far no one has mention the enviroment & ongoing destruction of native forests!! Eventually the area will be void of habitat trees & the little wildlife left will be gone!!


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