Ku-ring-gai council election, 2024

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  1. This council was amusing for it’s previous term that basically ended up in a stalemate at the end, some farcical events and effectively the disappearance of a faction at the election. The big change this time is a body called ‘Voices of Ku-ring-gai’ (VOK) with it’s Convenor, Kristyn Haywood, who ran as an independent for the corresponding state seat of Wahroonga at the 2023 NSW State Election. VOK mentions it will “…encourage new entrants who have strong ethical and environmental values to run…” so could be a big player in how this election turns out and may or may not be a vehicle for Kristyn to get elected. Looking at current Wards this far out, I’d say the following:
    Comenarra Ward: Jeff Pettett (Retain) and Greg Taylor (Retain)
    Gordon Ward: Barbara Ward (Retain) and open seat
    Roseville Ward: Sam Ngai (Retain) and open seat
    St Ives Ward: Martin Smith (Retain) and Christine Kay (Retain)
    Wahroonga Ward: Open seats x2 (I was surprised with Cedric Spencer’s loss of vote at the last election, he may still hold on, just depends who nominates here).

    The ones I’ve said retain had good vote returns last time and seem to have a strong media/community presence. Again, this could all change based on who VOK supports and if they get traction on their issues leading up to the election. Will be watching this one with interest again in September!

  2. Most have of no chance of being re elected with potentially Christine Kay. Cedric Spencer and Greg Taylor being the only ones retaining their votes

  3. This council has become a complete basket-case, especially with the vote to replace Jeff Pettett as mayor with Sam Ngai, only for Sam Ngai to have similar moves being made against him as well.

    Currently, the two big issues facing KRG Council are over-development and the upgrades to the North Turramurra Recreational Area, a project that has seen objections from Spencer, Kay and G. Taylor.

  4. Hawkeye would this so called ‘factional’ battle be similar to the one between Cedric Spencer and Jennifer Anderson previously?

  5. @Yoh An it would appear to be the case. The original trigger was to try and block NTRA, but then Sam Ngai threw his support behind NTRA, before then stating to council that they had little chance of stopping the increased development

  6. Density has really kicked off something fierce through KRG, with a number of corflutes posted around opposing any changes to density laws within the area.

    Expect more and more activity to take place as candidates attempt to align based on this issue

  7. IIRC there was a document prematurely released by the state government that had Roseville, Lindfield, and Killara marked as suburbs for densification.

  8. The race for KRG has officially begun it seems… according to the FDC registers. Take these registers with a grain of salt, as they aren’t always 100% reflective of final candidates that nominate, but they give you a good idea.

    First candidate to register for campaigning:

    Gordon Ward – Indu Balachandran (No Affiliation Listed) Registered 3/4/24

  9. Another candidate has registered for campaigning:

    Wahroonga Ward – Jack Abadee (Liberal Party Affiliation) Registered 22/4/24

  10. Jack Abadee could be a strong candidate here. Has previously run for the St Ives Ward. Likely has generated a personal vote from a continued community presence.

  11. May update, with the first incumbent registering for campaigning:

    Roseville Ward – Alec Taylor (No Affiliation List) Registered 13/5/24

    Alec was elected in 2021 at the expense of Jennifer Anderson (former Mayor).

  12. I’ve run into Jack Abadee 2/3 times out in the community. Seems like he would make a great addition

  13. June Update: Some familiar candidates [Adrienne&Boru] who contested from 2021 are back for another run.

    Current candidates registered for campaigning:

    Wahroonga Ward – Jack Abadee (Liberal Party Affiliation) Registered 22/4/24

    Comenarra Ward – Adrienne McLean (No Affiliation Listed) Registered 28/5/24

    Gordon Ward – Indu Balachandran (No Affiliation Listed) Registered 3/4/24
    Gordon Ward – Boru Tumulty (No Affiliation Listed) Registered 3/6/24

    Roseville Ward – Alec Taylor (No Affiliation List) Registered 13/5/24

  14. I can confirm some of the affiliations, although these are unofficial at a Council level:
    Greg Taylor – Greens
    Barbara Ward – Liberal
    Sam Ngai – Liberal
    Christine Kay – Liberal
    Cedric Spencer – Liberal

    Boru Tumulty has been incredibly active on Social Media, especially with his criticism of current councillors.

    Cedric Spencer is attempting to bring all the North Shore NIMBY Votes in a new Coalition for himself, especially with NTRA.


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