NT election August 27 – check out the guide


Screen Shot 2016-08-11 at 1.51.46 pmVoters in the Northern Territory go to the polls on August 27 to elect a new Legislative Assembly.

The Country Liberal Party returned to power in 2012 after eleven years of Labor government, and the last three years have been tumultuous.

There has been one change of chief minister, another attempted leadership change, and multiple scandals and ministerial resignations. At least six CLP MPs have quit the party (with one returning to the party) along with one Labor MP, reducing Adam Giles’ Country Liberal government to a minority position.

There hasn’t been much polling in the Northern Territory, but the polls we have seen suggest a massive swing to Labor. Labor also gained a large swing in the NT in the recent federal elections.

I have prepared a guide to the Northern Territory election, which includes an overall analysis of the situation and guides to all 25 electorates.

At the time of writing, I’ve only completed 22 of the 25 guides, with the other three coming in the next few days.

Each guide includes a list of candidates (to be updated after today’s declaration of nominations), the history of the seat, the geography, what changes were made in the redistribution, the 2012 results and a breakdown of results by booth.

Northern Territory electorates are much smaller than other electorates I have profiled – most seats only have a handful of polling places – some only have one. So instead of doing a map showing the booth results, I have included each booth’s key results in a table and then used a map to show where those booths lie.

As usual, you are welcome to comment on each seat, and you can use this post for general discussion about the election.

You can use the following map to click through to each seat’s guide – just remember that there are seven seats which don’t yet have guides. They should be up in the next few days.

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  1. The CLP are finished. The only question is whether they are going to win 1 or 2 (maybe 3) seats in the Assembly! XD

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if more independents are elected then CLP members.
    If the CLP are reduced to for or less, It wouldn’t surprise me if an independent or two was brought onto shadow cabinet just to fulfil the numerical requirements.

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