Federal election guide now up and running


After a year preparing maps, posting seat profiles and pulling together a large amount of information, the Tally Room guide to the 2013 federal election is now finished and ready for the campaign to start in earnest.

Seat profiles have now been posted for all 150 electorates, and all eight Senate races.

In addition, the front page of the guide has been expanded with sections focusing on the key lower house seats, and the impact of the recent redistribution. I’ve also prepared a frequently asked questions section which deals with issues I often get asked about how I decide which information to post.

Of course, the job of posting candidate information will continue right up to August. You can post information about candidates on the individual seat profile, or if you have information about a large number of candidates you can send me an email using the form on the About page. You can also use this form to share information privately or let me know about any errors with the guide.

I will be continuing to post individual seats on the front page, one per day until August, and I plan to post more original content as blog posts now that the guide is finished. I have also started preliminary work on the four election guides I plan to produce in 2014, but that’s a story for another day.

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