Churchlands – WA 2025

ALP 1.1%

Incumbent MP
Christine Tonkin, since 2021.

Inner north of Perth. Churchlands covers the suburbs of Churchlands, Floreat, Glendalough, City Beach, Osborne Park, Wembley Downs, Woodland and parts of Innaloo. Churchlands covers parts of the Cambridge and Stirling council areas.

Churchlands expanded north, taking in Osborne Park and part of Innaloo from Scarborough and losing the remainder of Doubleview from Scarborough.

The seat of Churchlands has existed since 1996. The seat was held for an independent for most of that time, and by the Liberal Party from 2013 until 2021.

Churchlands was first won in 1996 by independent MP Liz Constable. Constable had first been elected to parliament at the 1991 Floreat by-election. She was a former member of the Liberal Party who had resigned to run for the by-election.

Constable was re-elected to parliament in 1993, 1996, 2001, 2005 and 2008, and became a minister in the Liberal-led government after the 2008 election. Constable retired at the 2013 election.

Liberal candidate Sean L’Estrange was elected to represent Churchlands in 2013, and he was re-elected in 2017.

L’Estrange lost his seat to Labor candidate Christine Tonkin, who won by the smallest margin in the state.


  • Christine Tonkin (Labor)
  • Basil Zempilas (Liberal)
  • Assessment
    Churchlands is a very conservative seat, and the area has traditionally been held either by the Liberal Party or by an independent. If Labor is at all competitive here in 2025, that suggests that the Liberal Party are not making much of a recovery.

    2021 result

    Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
    Sean L’Estrange Liberal 11,087 43.9 -9.2 43.6
    Christine Tonkin Labor 9,938 39.4 +15.8 40.0
    Mark Twiss Greens 2,640 10.5 -3.6 10.2
    Jim Bivoltsis Independent 714 2.8 -1.3 2.6
    Ray Moran Australian Christians 394 1.6 -0.5 1.5
    L Pearce No Mandatory Vaccination 320 1.3 +1.3 1.3
    Alexandra Farsalas WAxit 146 0.6 -0.9 0.6
    Others 0.3
    Informal 650 2.5

    2021 two-party-preferred result

    Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
    Christine Tonkin Labor 12,821 50.8 +12.5 51.1
    Sean L’Estrange Liberal 12,413 49.2 -12.5 48.9

    Booth breakdown

    Polling places have been split into three parts: central, east and west.

    Labor won 58.5% of the two-party-preferred vote in the east. The Liberal Party won 53.1% in the west and 53.6% in the centre.

    The Greens came third, with a primary vote ranging from 9.4% in the centre to 14% in the east.

    Voter group GRN 2PP % ALP 2PP % Total votes % of votes
    Central 9.4 46.4 4,593 17.4
    East 14.0 58.5 3,925 14.9
    West 11.1 46.9 2,838 10.8
    Pre-poll 8.4 52.3 8,082 30.6
    Other votes 10.3 50.6 6,943 26.3

    Election results in Churchlands at the 2021 WA state election
    Toggle between two-party-preferred votes and primary votes for Labor, the Liberal Party and the Greens.

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    1. I predicted that when the guide was released, this seat would be unlocked. Thanks!

      Anyway, I predict a very big swing to the Liberals here and an easy Liberal gain.

    2. Agree Nether Portal, especially if the Liberals do end up nominating ‘star’ candidate and current Perth Mayor Basil Zempilas.

    3. He won’t be premier like Newman, people across Australia remember Campbell Newman being a 1-term lord mayor premier. They won’t do the same mistake in WA. If they do, they will be thrashed. Wouldn’t be surprised if he is tied to the ”gang”

      But of course this will be a Liberal gain, but it will be less than the 14% margin they held it in 2017, I suspect around 10%

      Surely the Liberals cannot be this stupid making him leader. the Project failed in QLD. What makes them think it will work here? I know allot of young people in WA who would never vote for him as leader. and I wouldn’t call them particularly ”left”

    4. The conservatives need a 12% swing towards them which is unlikely to happen, especially with someone so on the nose as basil. Not many people like him except stokes.

    5. @ Vyonne They only need a swing of +0.9, but I can see how you’ve jumbled the numbers up.

      Anyway, this seat is basically a guaranteed Liberal pickup. Maybe an Independent could shake things up but otherwise there’s nothing to see here.

    6. I think he means around a 12% swing to revert it back to its 2017 margin which I can agree it won’t. Labor will win close to 60% TPP statewide at the next election with this seat going Liberal but it will be in the “Reasonably Safe” or “Safe” category rather than “Very Safe” margin.

    7. The Liberals will gain this but they may focus a lot on seats where they can get huge swings like Albany, Bunbury, Dawesville and Mandurah.

    8. @daniel t while I won’t comment on the tpp I reckon the libs and cats will get 13 seats extra between them. While not enough to form govt it’s puts them in a far more effective place to challenge for 2029. Labor will also lose control of the upper house

    9. The one thing that’s dead certain is that the ALP won’t be holding this seat, and would have been rolling around the floor laughing when they won it in 2021. I don’t think they realistically think of it as holdable either – they’re not spending any money on this one, while Stuart Aubrey in Scarborough is getting a profile, showing what Labor think may be possible.

      Labor would be better off putting money into seats like Scarborough or Hillarys (or Riverton etc)

      That said, given the Libs are looking likely to put Basil Z up here, this might be a seat where a teal style independent might have a chance (it is in Curtin after all, and IIRC it includes the parts of Curtin where Kate Chaney got the best part of her vote). Not sure though if state politics is quite ready for an influx of indys like Federal politics was.

    10. The WA page hasn’t been unlocked yet so I’m putting this here.

      After ny first two maps were well-received (federal and NSW state target seats), I’ve created a third map in the target seats map series: a map of WA target seats at the 2025 state election. This one was tricky to make and any suggestions or corrections are more than welcome. The hard part was the fact that Labor has won two consecutive landslides in 2017 and 2021 which both saw the Liberals win few seats (the 2021 result broke the record for biggest ever landslide in an Australian federal/state election), plus 2013 was a Coalition landslide. So for the past 11 years, WA’s political landscape hasn’t been normal. Therefore, only a few seats are bright purple (minor targets) but a lot are normal purple (average targets) or dark purple (top targets).

      Something I’ve done for this map that I haven’t done for any other one in the series is I’ve actually called a few seats as gains. While on all my maps there are seats I’ve called as holds (usually safe or very seats), I’ve never given away seats as gains before. Since the Liberals and Nationals currently have a combined total of just six seats while Labor has a supermajority with 53 seats, I highly expect the Coalition to gain many more seats, enough to form a more credible opposition than in 2017 but most likely not enough to regain government (though I honestly wouldn’t rule out a Coalition win in 2025).

      On my map, in addition to Cottesloe and Vasse, I’ve given the Liberals three extra seats: Carine, Churchlands and Nedlands: all three seats being blue-ribbon seats that were shock wins even in 2021 (Churchlands was definitely the most shocking). In addition to Central Wheatbelt, Mid-West (the new seat created by merging Moore and North West Central) and Roe, I’ve also given the Nationals an extra seat: Warren-Blackwood (another very shocking loss even in 2021).

      You can view the map here:

    11. @np anything under 10% should be a target. I reckon the libs and nats will win a combined 13 from Labor giving them 19 seats combined. The lc should fall back to a crossbench needed and Labor majority there gone. Tbh I’m half expecting Labor to vote to abolish it like qld did way back when they had the numbers though I spoke they won’t otherwise it would have pointless bringing in one vote one value laws earlier in the term

    12. @John I think I put everything under 15% as a target. Seats under 10% were big targets.

      My idea though is it might be like the 2020 NT general election, where the CLP gained back a lot of its safe seats that shockingly fell to Labor in their strongholds of Alice Springs and Katherine and gained two Palmerston seats but still didn’t win any Darwin seats (they came close in Port Darwin but still lost), yet they gained the remote seat of Barkly which even after the big remote swing to the CLP in 2012 hadn’t fallen to the CLP since 1987. The swing to the CLP and against Labor in Barkly was huge.

      What this would mean in a WA context is a scenario where as some suggested the Nationals will gain back a few seats they lost while the Liberals will gain back a few blue-ribbon seats in Perth but otherwise not much ground in Perth. Instead, this would see the Liberals win some regional seats from Labor with huge swings. A commonly suggested example of a potential Liberal gain is the seat of Albany which Labor narrowly retained in 2013 despite a Liberal landslide statewide. Another seat that might swing heavy enough to be gained is the safe Labor seat of Kimberley. If what we saw in Barkly in 2020 (i.e remote Indigenous communities ditching Labor in large numbers) then Kimberley might fall. All the Liberals need to do is flip booths in Broome, Derby and Kununurra like how the CLP flipped booths in Tennant Creek.

      The Nationals should get back Geraldton and Warren-Blackwood and I see them having a chance of winning back Pilbara too (they should be able to easily flip booths in Karratha and Port Hedland).

    13. For my 5 cents on the next WA state election.

      I think the following will be the seats that change:

      1) Churchlands – will be the first to go – but I think Basil Zempalis (the guy who at the footy I called took ugly pills will be a polarizing character and this may fall to a teal like candidate.
      2) Warren – Blackwood – will depend on the Green vote – this was once a strong Labor area.
      3) Nedlands – I think when you have a hospital and an university in an electorate there will always been a strong social vote – so this may not change. This is a seat like North Sydney federally – big hospital and education precinct.
      4) Carine – will be the second to go this is not a Labor area
      5) Bateman – this is not traditionally Labor so will fall.
      6) Geraldton – the new boundaries of this seat will make it hard for Labor – they need to win the Geraldton booths – but another seat with a long Labor history.
      7) Scarborough – Labor seems to think this is there – Stuart Aubrey sems a hard worker and helps when he an active member of the surf club.
      8) South Perth – will be a toss up. Seems to have had a number of Independent Liberal members too
      9) Albany – even with Labor at its lowest – it was held – but I suspect that was due to the member Peter Watson.
      10) Dawesville – will be doubtful for Labor – it all depends on the work on the local member
      11) Kalumunda and Darling Range – Kalamunda is likely to change hands – the member is retiring, how many seats changed in NSW due to a retiring member. Darling Range the seat has changed to be a Byford seat and the new rail may keep this Labor.

      So I think 6 – 7 seats will change hands.

      Just my 5 cents.


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