Mermaid Beach – Queensland 2024

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  1. The LNP have plenty of deadwood who have been around 10 years plus and underperformed. Some like Ray here are pre Newman government, and they seem happy to keep getting a paycheck while being a mediocre part of a team that spends most of their time on the opposition team.

    These seats they always win should really be handed over to future front bench talent to renew the team, but Ray is going again here.

    The lack of renewal means they keep needing recycle the same faces as shadow ministers who have been part of what they have presented at multiple elections.

    If the tide is going out for Labor, Ray gets to spend a few years on the government backbench, for what purpose?

  2. Massive wasted opportunity by the LNP here to remove deadwood like Ray Stevens. He’s allowed the margin to be whittled down to just 4% on his watch.

    Should’ve retired long ago, but to run again when they’re headed back into government in selfishness.

    Labor has no shot at winning Mermaid Beach but the local MP is opening the door for a strong Teal-like Independent. Does Stevens think he has a shot at being Speaker?


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