Broadwater – Queensland 2024

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  1. Is David Crisafulli the next premier of Queensland? You would have to think there is good chance from the polls and the bye-election result last weekend. Crisafulli isn’t running small target, he is running no target. It even got to the point where he refused to commit to a position after Queensland state government rejected Graham Quirk’s Olympics stadium’s review proposal. After Steven Miles committed funding to upgrades to QEII and Suncorp stadium.

    I wonder if Crisafulli losing his seat in North Queensland and moving to the Gold Coast, may be a blessing in disguise for him career wise. Premiers generally don’t get elected from the regions anymore. Labor has all but ditched having leaders based in the regions since the late Wayne Goss became leader in 1988. And have won the last 11 out the 12 Queensland state elections.

    Broadwater is one of the safest LNP seats in Queensland. LNP retains.

  2. In the exceptionally unlikely the event Labor retains government. I suspect a by-election here next year or 2026. Could the losing candidates for the Fadden Liberal Pre-selection run here in that case? There was a well respected doctor who ran but I forgot his name. He could run here.

    Other than that, perhaps Cameron Caldwell might not like federal politics and give this seat another crack? He was the candidate in 2012 until he was dumped.

  3. @john

    This seat is on a 16.6% margin. I don’t understand your rationale that the LNP won’t hold this seat if Labor wins the next election. If Labor wins it won’t be by a landslide which it would need to win Broadwater.

    @Daniel T

    I think your point of a bye-election in this seat is premature and irrelevant. Especially when the LNP have former leaders who are happy to stay on in at parliament on the public purse (Tim Nicholls, John Paul-Langbroek, Deb Frecklington).

  4. Agree PN, even in the unlikely event the LNP fail to win government – David Crisafulli is still seen as someone who can easily take on a shadow ministerial portfolio under a different leader and would be seen as someone the party wants to keep.


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