Fannie Bay – NT 2024

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  1. @Oguh you’re joking, right? The Greens don’t have a chance anywhere in the Territory. The best they could do is come second to Labor in Nightcliff.

  2. Brent Potter seems to be a controversial figure in an electorate that doesn’t seem particularly conservative, so that’s an in for Greens. Greens have a good starting point from the byelection. I can see why they’re targeting here though Nightcliff and Johnston are better prospects (given CLP preferenced Greens over Labor at the last election)

    Greens will need to pull their finger out in the NT eventually as any expansion of the Senate will create a winnable seat.

  3. The Greens promary vote at the by-election was over-inflated due to the loss of Michael Gunner’s personal vote and an added opportunity to protest against the government. By-election results can vary wildly for the Greens.

  4. @Votante I agree I don’t see the Greens winning here and I actually see this as a potential CLP gain.

    @John historically it has been mostly held by the CLP.


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